
Booking Worldwide:

Ropedope Records
p: (215) 789-9793

“Ropeadope began because one record needed to be heard. As we round the corner to our 20th year, we have found new energy for the game. As our collaborative community grows, we have found an even deeper respect for those humans among us that make music – not because it is their career choice, but because it is who they ARE. We believe in them, and we believe in the music they create. We also view the world as an imperfect place that demands change, and we face that challenge by planting seeds of community and mutual respect. In this way, when the old buildings crumble to the ground, our garden will continue to thrive.

What of the music business? We understand that today’s unjust systems are run by humans, however misguided, so we embrace the people but we offer a healthy NO THANKS to the status quo. We will proudly continue with our renegade style as a matter of fact and purpose. ”
— Louis Marks (CEO)