Upcoming Shows, Live Streams, and Workshops


Booking - Marco Cremaschini marcocremaschini@gmail.com Phone +39 347 9924 224 

For more work spread across the webiverse please visit my Linktree.

July 25,  2024 - Lisa & Marco -  New York, NY

Friday, July 25, 8:00 p.m. @ Carnegie Hall 

We share the stage and premier some new work at the invitation of Charu Suri.


February 23, 2025 – NoteSpeak 6tet Verona

Sunday, February 23, 2025, 10:15 p.m. @ Le Cantina del'Arena

Piazzetta Scalette Rubiani, 1, VR 37121 

PER INFO E CONTATTI: 045 8032849 - 045 8026373

NoteSpeak in uno dei jazz club più bella dell'Italia - NoteSpeak at one of the coolest Jazz Clubs Italia offers


February 22, 2025 - Lisa & Marco -  Gargnano (BS)

Saturday, February 22, 9:30 p.m. @ Lefay Resorts Via Angelo Feltrinelli, 136 25084

At our resident happy place.


February 7,  2025 - Lisa & Marco -  Pinzolo (TN)

Friday, February 7, 9:30 p.m. @ Lefay Resorts Via Alpe di Grual, 16, 38086 Pinzolo TN

Our resident happy place has opened another venue in the mountains. First thing they put in? A piano!


January 21 - January 26, 2025 - Lisa and Marco -  Austria

On stage Thursday Jan. 23 and Saturday 25, 2025 9:00 p.m. @ Mohr Life Resort  Innsbrucker Str. 40 Lermoos, Tirol  A-6631

Back at the lovely Mohr Life Resort. 


December 31, 2024  - Gargnano (BS) Hippie Tendencies 4tet

Tuesday, December 31, 9:00 p.m. @ Lefay Resorts 118 Via Angelo Feltrinelli Gargnano, 25084  +39 0365 241800

Marco, Lisa, Massimo Saviola, and Cesare Valbusa are ringing in the new year for you in style!


December 25,  2024 - Lisa & Marco -  Pinzolo (TN)

Wednesday, December 25, 9:30 p.m. @ Lefay Resorts Via Alpe di Grual, 16, 38086 Pinzolo TN

Our resident happy place has opened another venue in the mountains. First thing they put in? A piano!


December 24,  2024 - Lisa & Marco -  Gargnano (BS)

Tuesday, December 24, 9:30 p.m. @ Lefay Resorts Via Angelo Feltrinelli, 136 25084

At our resident happy place.


December 14, 2024 - Marco, Lisa & Eva Feudo Shoo - Bondone (TN)

Saturday, December 14, 8:30 p.m.  @ La chiesa della Natività di Maria 

Concerto in chiesa: L’evento più atteso, "The Christmas Show". Un emozionante concerto di Lisa Marie Simmons, 

accompagnata da Eva Feudo Shoo e Marco Cremaschini, che renderà ancora più magica l’atmosfera del Natale. 


November 29,  2024 - Lisa & Marco -  Pinzolo (TN)

Friday, November 29, 9:30 p.m. @ Lefay Resorts Via Alpe di Grual, 16, 38086 Pinzolo TN

Our resident happy place has opened another venue in the mountains. First thing they put in? A piano!


September 13 - November 20,  2024 - Lisa & Marco - Berlin (BE)

September 13 - November 20, 11:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m @ Wentrup Gallery, Knesebeckstraße 95, 10623 Berlin, Germany

20 Years An Anniversary Show

Lisa's Ekphrastic Poem "Black Portraits"

In crafting an immersive experience for gallery visitors at Wentrup Gallery for Phoebe Boswell’s Black Portraits, I was deeply inspired by both Boswell’s exploration of Black identity and Nikki Giovanni’s evocative poetry. After viewing Boswell’s black pencil on black paper portraits, I wrote an ekphrastic poem that engages with and expands upon these complex themes. Influenced by the recent HBO documentary on Giovanni, I sought to weave Giovanni’s poetic insights into my work and expand upon them, exploring the paradoxes of the Black experience. To complement the poem and enhance the exhibition, I produced a soundscape—carefully constructing it to resonate with both the poem and the art. Collaborating with Marco Cremaschini, who provided piano and handled mixing and mastering, we created an auditory experience designed to draw listeners deeper into the visual and emotional layers of Boswell’s portraits, fostering a rich dialogue between sound, word, and image.


November 23,  2024 - Lisa & Marco -  Pinzolo (TN)

Saturday, November 23, 9:30 p.m. @ Lefay Resorts Via Alpe di Grual, 16, 38086 Pinzolo TN

Our resident happy place has opened another venue in the mountains. First thing they put in? A piano!


November 16,  2024 - Lisa & Marco -  Gargnano (BS)

Saturday, November 16,  2024, 9:30 p.m. @ Lefay Resorts Via Angelo Feltrinelli, 136 25084

At our resident happy place.


November 6,  2024 - Lisa & Marco - Brescia (BS)

Wednesday, November 6, 8:30 p.m. @ La Torre Via S. Faustino, 97, 25122 Brescia BS

"LA TORRE in JAZZ" per il ridotto numero di posti del locale, durante le serate La Torre in Jazz, sarà possibile occupare il tavolo esclusivamente per la cena e si consiglia caldamente di prenotare anzitempo. Per prenotazione tavolo: tel. 338 341 7165.


October 18 - 19,  2024 - Lisa & Marco -   Gargnano (BS)

Friday - Saturday, October 18 -19, 9:30 p.m. @ Lefay Resorts Via Alpe di Grual, 16, 38086 Pinzolo TN

Our resident happy place has opened another venue in the mountains. First thing they put in? A piano!


October 13,  2023 - Lisa & Marco - Dello (BS)

Saturday, 8:30 p.m. @ Enoteca Tapporaso Viale Europa, 1, Dello, Italy, 25020

Unitevi a noi per un brindisi!

Prenota il tuo tavolo: 339 192 3592


October 12,  2024 - Lisa & Marco -  Gargnano (BS)

Saturday, October 12,  2024, 9:30 p.m. @ Lefay Resorts Via Angelo Feltrinelli, 136 25084

At our resident happy place.


October 4,  2024 - Lisa & Marco -  Pinzolo (TN)

Friday  October 4, 9:30 p.m. @ Lefay Resorts Via Alpe di Grual, 16, 38086 Pinzolo TN

Our resident happy place has opened another venue in the mountains. First thing they put in? A piano!


September 27, 2024 - Hippie Tendencies 6tet - Pozzolengo (BS)

Friday, September 27, 9:00 p.m.  @  Cantina Bottenago

Hippie Tendencies Show - Private event

In Cantina Bottenago, i nostri vini sono l'epicentro di una filosofia che abbraccia l'autenticità delle nostre radici e l'audacia dell'innovazione. Siamo custodi di un'eredità millenaria che ci guida, ma siamo anche pionieri nel plasmare il futuro del vino con passione e rispetto per la terra che ci sostiene.


September 13 - 14,  2024 - Lisa & Marco -   Gargnano (BS)

Friday - Saturday, September 13 -14, 9:30 p.m. @ Lefay Resorts Via Angelo Feltrinelli, 136 25084

At our resident happy place.


September 6 - 7,  2024 - Lisa & Marco -  Pinzolo (TN)

Friday - Saturday, September 6-7, 9:30 p.m. @ Lefay Resorts Via Alpe di Grual, 16, 38086 Pinzolo TN

Our resident happy place has opened another venue in the mountains. First thing they put in? A piano!


September 5, 2024 - Marco & Li - Salò (BS)

Thursday, September 5, 8:00 p.m.  @  Via Pietro da Salò, 111, 25087 

Ci trovate sul lungo lago di fronte al Cantinone.

“Salò in Musica”  on the lake’s edge


August 23-24  2024 - Lisa & Marco -  Gargnano (BS)

Friday and Saturday, August 23-24,  2024, 9:30 p.m. @ Lefay Resorts Via Angelo Feltrinelli, 136 25084

At our resident happy place.


August 22,  2024 - Lisa & Marco -  Pinzolo (TN)

Thursday, August 22, 9:30 p.m. @ Lefay Resorts Via Alpe di Grual, 16, 38086 Pinzolo TN

Our resident happy place has opened another venue in the mountains. First thing they put in? A piano!


August 14,  2024 - Lisa & Marco -  Gargnano (BS)

Wednesday, August 14,  2024, 9:30 p.m. @ Lefay Resorts Via Angelo Feltrinelli, 136 25084

At our resident happy place.


August 13, 2024 - Marco & Li - San Felice del Benaco (BS)

Tuesday, August 13, 7:30 p.m.  @  La Cariola Sbusa Via Benaco, 12,  25010

Prenotazioni: 346.9907197


August 11, 2024 - Marco & Li - Bondone (TN)

Sunday, August 11, 8:00 p.m.  @Via Giuseppe Giusti 48 38080

Bondonde in Strada / International Festival of Street Artists

"Bondone in strada" is an initiative created to animate the streets, alleys and squares of Bondone, one of Italy's most beautiful villages. 

The international festival of street artists returns with its 19th edition. 

For two days Bondone will be transformed into an open-air stage, hosting artists from all over the world who will perform "on the road" face to face with thousands of spectators.


August 10,  2024 - Lisa & Marco -  Pinzolo (TN)

Saturday, August 10, 7:30 p.m. @ Lefay Resorts Via Alpe di Grual, 16, 38086 Pinzolo TN

Our resident happy place has opened another venue in the mountains. First thing they put in? A piano!


July 21, 2024 - Lisa and Marco  - Montichiari (BS)

Sunday, July 21, 8:00 p.m. @ Bilocale Montichiari Via S.Eurosia, 87 Montichiari 25081

Marco and Lisa in this new venue run by the guys who created our favorite haunt Recyclage.

Per prenotazioni e info 3661921806


July 19,  2024 - Lisa & Marco -  Pinzolo (TN)

Friday, July 19, 9:30 p.m. @ Lefay Resorts Via Alpe di Grual, 16, 38086 Pinzolo TN

Our resident happy place has opened another venue in the mountains. First thing they put in? A piano!


July 18,  2024 - Lisa & Marco -  Pinzolo (TN)

Thursday, July 18, 9:30 p.m. @ Lefay Resorts Via Alpe di Grual, 16, 38086 Pinzolo TN

Our resident happy place has opened another venue in the mountains. First thing they put in? A piano!


July  9, 2024 - NoteSpeak 5tet  - Toscolano Maderno (BS)

Tuesday, July 9, 7:30 p.m. @ Lungo Lago Toscolano Maderno

Festival Jazz


June 30, 2024 - NoteSpeak 5tet  - Soiano del Lago (BS)

Sunday, June 30, 7:30 p.m. @ Frantoio Manestrini Via Avanzi, 7 25080

A magical location surrounded by century-old olive trees.

Per prenotazioni e info 3345098658


June 28,  2024 - Lisa & Marco -  Pinzolo (TN)

Friday, June 28, 9:30 p.m. @ Lefay Resorts Via Alpe di Grual, 16, 38086 Pinzolo TN

Our resident happy place has opened another venue in the mountains. First thing they put in? A piano!


June 16, 2024 - Benefit Festival  - Centenaro di Lonato (BS)

Sunday, June 16, 11:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. @ Podere Del Lvagno  Via Avanzi, 7 25080

Una fantastica festa con musica, buoncibo, attività, relax, intrattenimento ... maaaa... con quale finalità?

Lo scopo è raccogliere fondi per acquistare del materiale diagnostico per

Associazione Museke Onlus 

Per prenotazioni e info 339 155 6333


June 14,  2024 - Lisa & Marco -  Gargnano (BS)

Friday, June 14,  2024, 9:00 p.m. @ Lefay Resorts Via Angelo Feltrinelli, 136 25084

At our resident happy place.


May 18,  2024 - Lisa & Marco -  Brøtso, Norway

Saturday, May 18,  2024, 7:00 p.m. Private Party

In Tjøme, the island kingdom on Brøtso


May 11,  2024 - Lisa & Marco -  Pinzolo (TN)

Saturday, May 11, 9:30 p.m. @ Lefay Resorts Via Alpe di Grual, 16, 38086 Pinzolo TN

Our resident happy place has opened another venue in the mountains. First thing they put in? A piano!


May 3,  2024 - Lisa & Marco -  Gargnano (BS)

Friday, May 3,  2024, 9:00 p.m. @ Lefay Resorts Via Angelo Feltrinelli, 136 25084

At our resident happy place.


April  17,  2024 - Lisa & Marco - Brescia (BS)

Wednesday, April 17, 8:30 p.m. @ La Torre Via S. Faustino, 97, 25122 Brescia BS

"LA TORRE in JAZZ" per il ridotto numero di posti del locale, durante le serate La Torre in Jazz, sarà possibile occupare il tavolo esclusivamente per la cena e si consiglia caldamente di prenotare anzitempo. Per prenotazione tavolo: tel. 338 341 7165.


April 12,  2024 - Lisa & Marco- Pinzolo (TN) 

Friday, April 12, 9:30 p.m. @ Lefay Resorts Via Alpe di Grual, 16, 38086 Pinzolo TN

Our resident happy place has opened another venue in the mountains. First thing they put in? A piano!


April 7,  2024 - Lisa & Marco - Dello (BS)

Sunday, 7:00 p.m. @ Enoteca Tapporaso Viale Europa, 1, Dello, Italy, 25020

Unitevi a noi per un brindis!

Prenota il tuo tavolo: 339 192 3592


April 6,  2024 - Lisa & Marco -  Gargnano (BS)

Saturday, April 6,  2024, 9:00 p.m. @ Lefay Resorts Via Angelo Feltrinelli, 136 25084

At our resident happy place.


February  31,  2024 - Lisa & Marco 

Sunday, February 31, 9:30 p.m. @ Lefay Resorts Via Alpe di Grual, 16, 38086 Pinzolo TN

Our resident happy place has opened another venue in the mountains. First thing they put in? A piano!


February 29, March 14, April 11  2024 - Lisa & Marco Franciacorta (BS)

Thursdays Candlelit, February 29, March 14, April 11 8:00 p.m.  @ Dispensa Via Principe Umberto, 23 - fraz, 25030 Torbiato (BS

Cena a lume di candela. Un menù degustazione creato ad hoc, che vedrà il pesce protagonista di piatti creativi, e un accompagnamento musicale d’eccezione, con la voce di Lisa Marie Simmons e il piano di Marco Cremaschini, renderanno la vostra serata indimenticabile. 

Un evento unico per immersi in un’atmosfera suggestiva. 

Info e prenotazioni : enoteca@dispensafranciacorta.com +39 030 745 0757


February 25,  2024 - Lisa  -  Milano (MI)

Sunday February 25,  2024, 8:30 p.m. @ Blue Note Milano

Special guest for Gegè Telesforo


February 16,  2024 - Lisa & Marco -  Gargnano (BS)

Friday, February 16,  2024, 9:00 p.m. @ Lefay Resorts Via Angelo Feltrinelli, 136 25084

At our resident happy place.


February 14,  2024 - Lisa & Marco Franciacorta (BS)

Wednesday, February 14,  2024 8:00 p.m.  @ Dispensa Via Principe Umberto, 23 - fraz, 25030 Torbiato (BS

Cena a lume di candela. Un menù degustazione creato ad hoc, che vedrà il pesce protagonista di piatti creativi, e un accompagnamento musicale d’eccezione, con la voce di Lisa Marie Simmons e il piano di Marco Cremaschini, renderanno la vostra serata indimenticabile. 

Un evento unico per celebrare la festa degli innamorati immersi in un’atmosfera suggestiva. 

Info e prenotazioni : enoteca@dispensafranciacorta.com +39 030 745 0757


February  9,  2024 - Lisa & Marco 

Friday, February 9, 9:30 p.m. @ Lefay Resorts Via Alpe di Grual, 16, 38086 Pinzolo TN

Our resident happy place has opened another venue in the mountains. First thing they put in? A piano!


January 29 - February 4, 2024 - Lisa and Marco  Austria

On stage Thursday Feb. 1 and Saturday 3, 2024 9:00 p.m. @ Mohr Life Resort  Innsbrucker Str. 40 Lermoos, Tirol  A-6631

Back at the lovely Mohr Life Resort. 


January 6, 2024 - Lisa & Marco  Special guest guitarist Lorenzo Lama - Brescia (BS)

Saturday 9:00 p.m. @ Artemisia Corso Goffredo Mameli, 47, 25122 

Info e Prenotazioni +39 030 782 3701

 Centro Storico di Brescia. Suonando per voi canzoni jazz, pop and blues.


December 25,  2023 - Lisa & Marco -  Gargnano (BS)

Monday, 9:00 p.m. @ Lefay Resorts Via Angelo Feltrinelli, 136 25084

Christmas at our resident happy place.


December 24,  2022 - Lisa & Marco with Special guest cellist Eva Feudo - Gargnano (BS),

Sunday, 9:30 p.m.  @ Lefay Resorts Via Angelo Feltrinelli, 136 25084 Gargnano

Christmas Eve at our resident happy place.


December 17,  2023 - Lisa & Marco - Dello (BS)

Sunday, 8:30 p.m. @ Enoteca Tapporaso Viale Europa, 1, Dello, Italy, 25020

Unitevi a noi per un brindisi natalizio!

Prenota il tuo tavolo: 339 192 3592


December 16,  2023 - Lisa & Marco -  Gargnano (BS)

Saturday, 9:30 p.m. @ Lefay Resorts Via Angelo Feltrinelli, 136 25084

At our resident happy place.


December 14,  2023 - Lisa & Marco Special guest guitarist Lorenzo Lama

Thursday, 9:00 p.m. @ Malia Club Parco Nocivelli, Verolanuova, Italy, 25028

Freschi di tournée negli Stati Uniti, Lisa e Marco vengono raggiunti da Lorenzo Lama al Malia Club. 

Suonando per voi canzoni jazz, pop e holiday.

Prenota il tuo tavolo: 030 6157117 


November 19,  2023 - NoteSpeak 12 Full Band N.Y.C.

Sunday, 7:00 p.m. @ The Francis Kite Club 40 Loisaida Ave East Village, N.Y.C.

NoteSpeak 12 American Debut 

Realizzato con il sostegno del Ministero degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione
e di Italia Music Export.

Made possible with support from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation and Italia Music Export.


November 18,  2023 - NoteSpeak 12 Full Band  Philadelphia 

Saturday, 9:00 p.m. @ The Painted Bride Arts Center 5212 Market Street Philadelphia, PA 1

Get Tickets Here

NoteSpeak 12 American Debut with opening act Pheralyn Dove.

Realizzato con il sostegno del Ministero degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione
e di Italia Music Export.

Made possible with support from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation and Italia Music Export.


November 16,  2023 - NoteSpeak 12 Full Band  N.Y.C. 

Thursday, 7:00 p.m.  @ Nublu 151 Avenue C, NYC, NY 10009 (btw. 9th & 10th)

NoteSpeak 12 American Debut Tickets Available Here

Realizzato con il sostegno del Ministero degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione
e di Italia Music Export.

Made possible with support from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation

and Italia Music Export.


November 14,  2023 - NoteSpeak 12 Full Band Oneonta (NY)

Tuesday, 7:00 p.m.  @ State University of New York, Oneonta FA 122 Oneonta, NY 13820

NoteSpeak 12 American Debut

Realizzato con il sostegno del Ministero degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione
e di Italia Music Export.

Made possible with support from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation

and Italia Music Export.


October 14 - November 15,  2023 - Lisa & Marco Oneonta (NY)

State University of New York, Oneonta FA 122 Oneonta, NY 13820

SUNY Oneonta School of Liberal Arts – 



October 4 - Lisa and Cole Williams in the webiverse

Wednesday, October 4, 5:00 pm ET  House the Housless: Music And Action

Musician and WWOZ Radio Host Cole Williams is in the vanguard of a powerful movement

of direct action in the city of New Orleans, defending the rights of unhoused people.

Join Cole and Lisa for Music and a panel discussion on the movement.

Observe:  youtube.com/ropeadope99

Participate: spaces.vatom.com/@ropeadope

Follow the Greater New Orleans Citizens Relief Team on Instagram


October 3, 2023 - Dionne & Lisa Live Podcast Taping  - Bristol UK

Tuesday, October 3, 7:30 p.m. @ The Mount Without Crypt Upper Church Ln BS2 8FN

This Black History Month, 2023 DAWTA The Podcast’s world of performance, discussion, and music

Join DAWTA's writer and producer Dionne Draper, co-host multidisciplinary artist writer/singer Lisa Marie-Simmons 

and DAWTA’s podcast guests, for a soulful night of real talk, discussion and dancing to Bristol’s finest, ‘DJ Mystri’. 

Get Your Tickets Here


August 6, 2023 - NoteSpeak 5tet  - Soiano del Lago (BS)

Sunday, August 6, 7:30 p.m. @ Frantoio Manestrini Via Avanzi, 7 25080

A magical location surrounded by century-old olive trees.

Per prenotazioni e info 3345098658


July 23, 2023 - Lisa and Marco  - Montichiari (BS)

Sunday, July 23, 8:00 p.m. @ Bilocale Montichiari Via S.Eurosia, 87 Montichiari 25081

Marco and Lisa in this new venue run by the guys who created our favorite haunt Recyclage

Per prenotazioni e info 3661921806


July 22,  2023 - Lisa & Marco -  Gargnano (BS)

Saturday July 22, 9:00 p.m.  @ Lefay Resorts Via Angelo Feltrinelli, 136 25084

At our resident happy place.


July 12, 19, 26, 2023 - Marco & Li - Moniga del Garda (BS)

Wednesday, July 12, 8:30 p.m. @  Lake Garda Resort Via dei Canestrelli 7 25080

Lisa and Marco - Summer residency every Wednesday in July and August.

Per prenotazioni e info +39 0365 1830045


June 25, 2023 - NoteSpeak 4tet  - Soiano del Lago (BS)

Monday, June 25, 7:30 p.m. @ Frantoio Manestrini Via Avanzi, 7 25080

A magical location surrounded by century-old olive trees.

Per prenotazioni e info 3345098658


June 22, 2023 - Lisa & Angela Tucker in the webiverse

Thursday, June 22, 6:00 p.m. CET/ 12:00 p.m EDT @  Vermont Consortium for Adoption & Guardianship

Lunch and Learn Virtual series

Virtual Screening of Lisa & Isell: A story about adoption & the Ghost Kingdom with Q&A

Free Event - Email vtadoption@vermont.gov, call 802-241-0901 or  Register Online


June 18, 2023 - Lisa in the webiverse

Sunday, June 18, 1:00 p.m. EDT/ 7:00 p.m CET @  Quintessential Listening: Poetry Online Radio hosted by Dr. Michael Anthony Ingram

Join us for our pre-recorded conversation on poetry and NoteSpeak 12 here.


June 8, 2023 - Lisa & Marco in the webiverse

Thursday, June 8, 5:00 p.m. EDT/ 11:00 p.m CET @  Alternative Venues For Jazz hosted by Gail Boyd

Join us for the live stream at 5:00 p.m. EDT (11:00 pm CET). on Gail W Boyd's stellar series where we will answer your questions and tell some stories about #notespeak12!  We’d love to see your faces; however, if you cannot join us, no worries as the video will remain up so you can catch us when you have time. Do check out May 1st’s guest the remarkable Paula West, and other past guests including luminaries Dee Dee Bridgewater, Lakecia Benjamin, The Manhatten Transfer, and Somi Kakoma.


June 7, 2023 - Marco, Li & Christian - Lago d'Iseo BS, Italy (BS)  

Wednesday, June 7, 9:00 p.m @ Terrazza 1841 Via Caproni, 246, 25049                                  

8 renowned Chefs prepare a gala feast                                         


Costo della serata: 90€ a persona
comprensivo dei 6 piatti realizzati dagli chef ospiti, dessert, gelato, 3 Franciacorta, 1 vino fermo e 1 gin tonic

INFO E PRENOTAZIONI: 030 9868536 | info@terrazza1841.it



June 1, 2023 - Marco &Li - Salò (BS)
Thursday, June 1, 9:00 p.m.

Ci trovate sul lungo lago.

“Salò in Musica”  on the lake’s edge


May 14, 2023 - NoteSpeak 5tet  - Soiano del Lago (BS)

Sunday, May 14, 7:30 p.m. @ Frantoio Manestrini Via Avanzi, 7 25080

A magical location surrounded by century-old olive trees.

Per prenotazioni e info 3345098658


May 4, 2023 - Marco &Li - Salò (BS)
Thursday, May 4, 9:00 p.m.

Ci trovate sul lungo lago.

“Salò in Musica” first outdoor gig of the season on the lake’s edge


April 8,  2023 - NoteSpeak 12 Full Band  Montichiari  (BS)

Sunday, 9:00 p.m.  @ Monamì Via San Pietro 44, 25018 

NoteSpeak 12 Listening party + live acoustic performance

Per prenotazioni e info +39 331 110 3799


January 1,  2023 - Lisa & Marco w/ special guest Dionne Draper  Gargnano (BS)

Sunday, 9:00 p.m.  @ Lefay Resorts Via Angelo Feltrinelli, 136 25084

At our resident happy place.


December 30, 2022 - Lisa & Marco w/ special guest Dionne Draper  Pinzolo, Dolomiti (TN)

Friday,  December 30, 9:00 p.m. @ Lefay Resorts Via Alpe di Grual, 16, 38086 Pinzolo TN

Our resident happy place has opened another hotel in the mountains. First thing they put in? A piano!


December 29,  2022 - Lisa & Marco w/ special guest Dionne Draper  Gargnano (BS)

Thursday, December 29, 9:00 p.m.  @ Lefay Resorts Via Angelo Feltrinelli, 136 25084

At our resident happy place.


December 15,  2022 - Lisa in the webiverse

Thursday, November 17, 5:00 EST @ on Dorian Wallace's Communal Music Making Panel

Ropeadope Metaverse

Stream Here or Join the VR room Here (ALTVR World Code RAS599)


December 14, 2022, H.T. 5tet - Lugana di Sirmione (BS)

Wednesday, December 14, 8:30 p.m. @ Bar dal Mimi in via Lamarmora 40, Lugana di Sirmione

Back together with H.T. + Titti Castrini and his band.


November 18,  2022 - Lisa in the webiverse

Friday, November 18, 7:00 pm EST

For anyone who missed the first screening of Lisa & Isell: A story about adoption and the Ghost Kingdom on the search for my birth father, 

Angela Tucker and I will be doing another free screening and Q&A with the wonderful folks from The Adoptive and Foster Family Coalition of New York. 

Register here


November 17,  2022 - Lisa in the webiverse

Thursday, November 17, 5:00 EST @ on Dorian Wallace's Music and Consciousness Panel

Ropeadope Metaverse

Stream Here or Join the VR room Here (ALTVR World Code RAS599)


November 4, 2022 - Lisa & Marco   Sona (VR)

Friday,  July 22, 9:00 p.m. @ Villa dei Cipressi Via Montecorno, 10/a, 37060

Private Party


October 7-9, 2022 - NoteSpeak 5tet- Venice (VE)

Friday, October 7, 1:00 p.m. @ Biennale - Fondazione Cin Isola di S. Giorgio Maggiore Venezia, 30124

Marco and I will be performing at the Loophole of Retreat presenting a premiere of work from our upcoming album NoteSpeak (Dodici).

As part of her exhibition at the U.S. Pavilion, Simone Leigh will bring together scholars, artists, and activists from around the world for a major project, Loophole of Retreat: Venice. Loophole of Retreat: Venice is a ticketed event that is free and open to the public. Organized by Rashida Bumbray, Director of Culture and Art at the Open Society Foundations, with curatorial advisors Saidiya Hartman, University Professor at Columbia University, and Tina Campt, Owen F. Walker Professor of Humanities and Modern Culture and Media, Brown University, the three-day symposium will comprise dialogue, performances, and presentations centered on Black women’s intellectual and creative labor. 

Capacity at the Fondazione Cini is limited. To attend Loophole of Retreat: Venice, you can secure your reservation here. In doing so, you will reserve a spot at the symposium.


August 28, 2022 - NoteSpeak 5tet  - Soiano del Lago (BS)

Sunday, August 28, 7:30 p.m. @ Frantoio Manestrini Via Avanzi, 7 25080

We will accompany your tasty aperitif (lots of local specialties) in a magical location surrounded by century-old olive trees.

Per prenotazioni e info 3345098658


July 24, 2022 - Lisa and Marco  - Montichiari (BS)

Sunday, July 24, 8:00 p.m. @ Bilocale Montichiari Via S.Eurosia, 87 Montichiari 25081

Marco and Lisa in this new venue run by the guys who created our favorite haunt Recyclage

Per prenotazioni e info 3661921806


July 23,  2022 - Lisa & Marco  Gargnano (BS),

 Saturday, July 23, 9:00 p.m.  @ Lefay Resorts Via Angelo Feltrinelli, 136 25084 Gargnano

At our resident happy place.


July 22, 2022 - Lisa & Marco  Pinzolo, Dolomiti (TN)

Friday,  July 22, 9:00 p.m. @ Lefay Resorts Via Alpe di Grual, 16, 38086 Pinzolo TN

Our resident happy place has opened another hotel in the mountains. First thing they put in? A piano!


July 10 - 16, 2022 - Lisa and Marco  Austria

On stage Thursday 14 and Saturday 16, 2022 9:00 p.m. @ Mohr Life Resort  Innsbrucker Str. 40 Lermoos, Tirol  A-6631

Back at the lovely Mohr Life Resort. 


July 9,  2022 - Lisa in the webiverse

Saturday, July 9, Time TBA @ on Adoptee Artists Panel for Adoption Mosaic's We the Experts: Speaker Series


July 8,  2022 - Marco and Lisa - Gardone (BS)

Friday, July 8, Time TBA @ Lungo Lago Gardone BS

Special Guests TBA


July 1, 2022 - NoteSpeak 5tet  - Soiano del Lago (BS)

Friday, July 1, 7:30 p.m. @ Frantoio Manestrini Via Avanzi, 7 25080 Soiano (BS)

We will accompany your tasty aperitif (lots of local specialties) in a magical location surrounded by century-old olive trees.

Per prenotazioni e info 3345098658


June, 24,  2022 - Lisa & Marco  w/Special Guest Dionne Draper Franciacorta (BS)

Friday, June 24, 9:00 p.m.  @ Dispensa Via Principe Umberto, 23 - fraz, 25030 Torbiato (BS)

Oltre al menù alla carta, scegliendo il menù degustazione, sarà possibile degustare piatti speciali proposti in occasione dell'evento musicale.

Info e prenotazioni : enoteca@dispensafranciacorta.com +39 030 745 0757


June 21,  2022 - Lisa in the webiverse

 FREE online screening of Lisa & Isell: A story about adoption and the Ghost Kingdom, followed by a Q&A with Angela Tucker and me. 

American Premiere Jun 21, 2022, 5:30 PM  Pacific Time

Register Here


June 12, 2022 -NoteSpeak 4tet w/Special Guest Dionne Draper - Soiano del Lago (BS)

Sunday, June 12, 7:30 p.m. @ Frantoio Manestrini Via Avanzi, 7 25080 Soaino (BS)

We will accompany your tasty aperitif (lots of local specialties) in a magical location surrounded by century-old olive trees.

Per prenotazioni e info 3345098658


May 21, 2022 - Lisa & Marco  Pinzolo, Dolomiti (TN)

Saturday, May 21, 9:00 p.m. @ Lefay Resorts Via Alpe di Grual, 16, 38086 Pinzolo (TN)

Our resident happy place has opened another hotel in the mountains. First thing they put in? A piano!


May 20,  2022, H.T. Trio - Moniga (BS)

Friday April 29, 9:00 p.m. @ Recyclage Cafe  Via Pergola 31, 25080 Moniga (BS)

H.T. Trio (Marco, Chris, and Lisa once more)  at our resident hang


May, 6,  2022 - Lisa & Marco  Franciacorta (BS)

Friday, April 6, 9:00 p.m.  @ Dispensa Via Principe Umberto, 23 - fraz, 25030 Torbiato (BS)

Oltre al menù alla carta, scegliendo il menù degustazione, sarà possibile degustare piatti speciali proposti in occasione dell'evento musicale.

Info e prenotazioni : enoteca@dispensafranciacorta.com +39 030 745 0757


April 29,  2022, H.T. Trio - Moniga (BS)

Friday April 29, 9:00 p.m. @ Recyclage Cafe  Via Pergola 31, 25080 Moniga (BS)

H.T. Trio (Marco, Chris, and Lisa once more)  at our resident hang


March 31, 2022 - NoteSpeak 5tet Mira, (VE)

Thursday, March 31, 9:00 p.m.  @ Teatro Villa dei Leoni- Riviera S. Trentin, 3, 30034 Mira VE

Edizione Ingresso gratuito, prenotazione a cultura@comune.mira.ve.it


February 14, 2022 - Lisa in the webiverse

Monday, February 14, 10:00 p.m. @ The University at Buffalo

Voice Activism Workshop with artist and Professor in the Department of Art Millie Chen


February 13, 2022 - Lisa & Marco  Pinzolo, Dolomiti (TN)

Sunday, February 13, 9:00 p.m.  @ Lefay Resorts Via Alpe di Grual, 16, 38086 Pinzolo TN

Our resident happy place has opened another hotel in the mountains. First thing they put in? A piano!


February 5, 2022 - Lisa & Marco  Pinzolo, Dolomiti (TN)

Saturday, February 5, 9:00 p.m.  @ Lefay Resorts Via Alpe di Grual, 16, 38086 Pinzolo TN

Our resident happy place has opened another hotel in the mountains. First thing they put in? A piano!


January 4,  2022 - Lisa & Marco Trapani  (TP),

Tuesday, January 4, 9:00 p.m.  @ Rolling Stone Via Nicolò Riccio, 15, 91100 Trapani TP


January 2,  2022 - Lisa & Marco Trapani  (TP),

Sunday, January 2, 9:00 p.m.  @ Rolling Stone Via Nicolò Riccio, 15, 91100 Trapani TP


December 29, 2021 - Lisa & Marco  - Worldwide

Wednesday, December 29, 8:00 p.m. EST @ Online Event 

The debut of my new bespoke poem "The Longest Night" for Shabe Yalde. Please join us for a night of stories, poetry, music, and human connection to shed light on the lives of Afghan artists and human rights defenders. Tickets on sale here.

Hosted by Ariana Delawari

With lullabies and stories from artists and human rights advocates who recently escaped from Afghanistan.

I am mind boggled to be in the extraordinary company of immigrant and diaspora heritage artists: Zohra Saeed, Hamid Rahmanian, Nilufar Karimi and Eliseo Ortiz, Kevork Mouradand Kinan Azmeh, Fakhria, Mai Der Vang, Tyler Duncan, and Erika Switzer, Mamak Khadem, Shahzia Sikander, and Shamsi Shamsysun.

Your donations support the Afghan Legal Empowerment Portal, the Uplift Afghanistan Fund, the Afghan American Artists and Writers Association, and Artivista Productions'efforts to help cultural workers, civil servants, and human rights defenders in Afghanistan find safety.


December 25,  2021 - Lisa & Marco  Gargnano (BS),

Saturday, December 25, 9:00 p.m.  @ Lefay Resorts Via Angelo Feltrinelli, 136 25084

At our resident happy place.


December 24, 2021 - Lisa & Marco  Pinzolo, Dolomiti (TN)

Friday, December 24, 9:00 p.m.  @ Lefay Resorts Via Alpe di Grual, 16, 38086 Pinzolo TN

Our resident happy place has opened another hotel in the mountains. First thing they put in? A piano!


December 20, 2021 - Lisa & Marco  Bordolano (CR)

Monday, December 20, 9:30 p.m. @ Villa Zaccaria  Via Guglielmo Marconi, 2, 26020 Bordolano CR

Private Party https://www.villazaccaria.it/


November 25, 2021 - Lisa & Marco  Pinzolo, Dolomiti (TN)

Saturday, November 25, 9:00 p.m.  @ Lefay Resorts Via Alpe di Grual, 16, 38086 Pinzolo TN

Our resident happy place has opened another hotel in the mountains. First thing they put in? A piano!


October 30,  2021 - Lisa & Marco  Gargnano (BS),

 Saturday, October 30, 9:00 p.m.  @ Lefay Resorts Via Angelo Feltrinelli, 136 25084

At our resident happy place.


September 19,  2021 - Lisa & Marco  Montichiari (BS)

Sunday, September 19, 8:00 p.m.  @ the brand NEW Recyclage CAFE Montichiari via Sant' eurosia 87

Our buddies at Recyclage have opened two new spots, can't wait to see what they've done with this one!


September 2,  2021 - Lisa & Marco  Franciacorta (BS)

Thursday, September 2, 9:00 p.m.  @ Dispensa Via Principe Umberto, 23 - fraz, 25030 Torbiato BS

Oltre al menù alla carta, scegliendo il menù degustazione, sarà possibile degustare piatti speciali proposti in occasione dell'evento musicale.

Info e prenotazioni : enoteca@dispensafranciacorta.com +39 030 745 0757


August 21, 2021 -  H.T. 4tet Lago di Garda (BS)

Saturday, August 21,  8:00 p.m.  @ Il Cortile Via Magenta 39, 25080 Moniga del Garda (BS)

La Festa della Birra at the brand new Il Cortile (Recyclage) with Lisa, Marco, and Cesare with Simone Boffa on guitar.


August 15, 2021 -  Lisa & Marco Lago D'Iseo (BS)

Sunday, August 15, - 8:00 p.m. @ Darsena21 - Via Cesare Battisti, 9, 25058 Sulzano BS

White Dinner, Ferragosto on the dock.


August 10, 2021 -  Lisa & Marco Lago di Garda (BS)

Tuesday, August 10,  8:00 p.m. @ ValVerde - Via Monte Canale, 1, 25080 Polpenazze del Garda BS

Private Party


August 6, 2021 -  Lisa Ropeadope Records Music & Arts Festival Summer

Friday, August 6, - 4:00 p.m. (EDT) @ Ropeadope Records

Ropeadope Records Music & Arts Summer Festival 


June 1,  2021 - Lisa in the webiverse

Tuesday, June 1, 9:00 a.m.  @ Chicken Soup For the Soul: I'm speaking Now

Lisa's essay "Interracial Adoption for Beginners" is released in the new CSS collection-


May 14,  2021 - Lisa & Marco  Pinzolo, Dolomiti (TN)

Friday,  May 14, 9:00 p.m.  @ Lefay Resorts Via Alpe di Grual, 16, 38086 Pinzolo TN

Our resident happy place has opened another hotel in the mountains. First thing they put in? A piano!


April 4, 16 & 30,  2021 - Lisa & Marco  Gargnano (BS),

 9:00 p.m.  @ Lefay Resorts Via Angelo Feltrinelli, 136 25084

At our resident happy place.


March 26,  2021 - Lisa in the webiverse

Friday, March 26, 5:00 p.m.  @ The Creative Center at University Settlement

Writing Poetry for Spoken Word Performance

Many people think that spoken word poetry is only political or strident when, in fact, the subject matter can be anything you choose. It might be funny, sad, autobiographical, or fictional. The important thing is the ring of a fundamental truth, something to which your audience can connect. In this class, we will practice the use of techniques that lend themselves to being recited aloud. Come prepared to dig deep and have fun while you're doing it. Bring a poem you’ve already written (if you want to workshop a short poem together, submit it before the class) or be ready to write one. Join us as we look at some of the most effective methods for bringing your poem to life, from the page onto the stage.


March 18,  2021 - Lisa in the webiverse

Friday, March 18, 10:00 a.m.  @ ABC's The Tamron Hall Show

Unpacking Lisa's HuffPost essay with Tamron Hall.


March 5,  2021 - Lisa in the webiverse

Friday, March 5, 8:00 p.m.  @ Ropeadope Facebook Page

Celebrating International Women's Month with fellow Ropeadope artists Johanna Burnheart, Yazz Ahmed, Gillian Margot.

Join us for music, discussion, and interviews with some very special guests.


February 27, 2021 - Lisa & Marco  Pinzolo, Dolomiti (TN)

Saturday, February 27, 9:00 p.m.  @ Lefay Resorts Via Alpe di Grual, 16, 38086 Pinzolo TN

Our resident happy place has opened another hotel in the mountains. First thing they put in? A piano!


February 15, 2021 - Lisa in the webiverse

Monday, February 15, 10:00 p.m. @ The University at Buffalo

Voice Activism Workshop with artist and Professor in the Department of Art Millie Chen


January 30, 2021 - Lisa & Marco  Pinzolo, Dolomiti (TN)

Saturday, January 30, 9:00 p.m.  @ Lefay Resorts Via Alpe di Grual, 16, 38086 Pinzolo TN

Our resident happy place has opened another hotel in the mountains. First thing they put in? A piano!


January 2, 2021 - Lisa & Marco  Pinzolo, Dolomiti (TN)

Saturday January 2, 9:00 p.m.  @ Lefay Resorts Via Alpe di Grual, 16, 38086 Pinzolo TN

Our resident happy place has opened another hotel in the mountains. First thing they put in? A piano!


October 3,  2020 - Lisa & Marco Rapallo (GE)

Saturday, October 3, 8:00 p.m.  @ Private Party Rapallo (GE)


October 2, - Lisa & Marco  Pinzolo, Dolomiti (TN)

Friday, October 2, 9:00 p.m.  @ Lefay Resorts Via Alpe di Grual, 16, 38086 Pinzolo TN

Our resident happy place has opened another hotel in the mountains. First thing they put in? A piano!


September 6,  2020 - Lisa & Marco with Special Guests Eva Fuedo & Osasmuede Aigbe  Brescia (BS)

Sunday, September 6,  7:30 p.m.  @ Afrobrix Festival Centro Comboni Brescia
Viale Venezia 116

United Nations Human Rights Festival celebrating African Descent Decade

Decennio ONU per l’afro-discendenza


August 22,  2020 - Lisa & Marco  Gargnano (BS)

Saturday, August 22, 9:00 p.m.  @ Lefay Resorts Via Angelo Feltrinelli, 136 25084

At our resident happy place.


August 21, 2020  - NoteSpeak 5tet- Verolanuova (BS)

Friday August 21, 9:00 p.m. @  Al Parco  Parco Nocivelli 328 855 4373

NoteSpeak in the park bringing some brand new lockdown inspired songs.


August 14, 2020  - Lisa & Marco Torbiato (BS)

Friday, August 14 @ Dispensa Franciacorta Via Principe Umberto, 23 - fraz, 25030 


August 5, 2020  - H.T. Trio - Lonato (BS)

Wednesday, August 5, 9:00 p.m. @ Coco Beach Via Catullo, 5, 25017 Lonato BS

Marco, Chris, and Lisa play the Music and Grill Party https://www.cocobeachclub.com/ 


August 1, 2020 - Lisa & Marco  Pinzolo, Dolomiti (TN)

Saturday August 1, 9:00 p.m.  @ Lefay Resorts Via Alpe di Grual, 16, 38086 Pinzolo TN

Our resident happy place has opened another hotel in the mountains. First thing they put in? A piano!


July 31, 2020,  Lisa tells a true tale with tears and tickles for RISK! podcast live show

Friday July 31, 10 p.m. @ RISK's Live Streamed Show

For tickets


July 19, 2020 - Lisa & Marco Brescia (BS)

Saturday, July 19, 7:00 p.m. @ Parco Tarello (BS)

Black Lives Matter Italy Rally - Speaker and performance.

Find out more.

Support UNO Collective BLM


July 15, 2020  - H.T. Trio - Lonato (BS)

Wednesday, July 15, 9:00 p.m. @ Coco Beach Via Catullo, 5, 25017 Lonato BS

Marco, Chris, and Lisa play the Music and Grill Party https://www.cocobeachclub.com/


July 13 - July 22 - Nine Takes in association with Ropeadope Records - Livestream 

July 13 - July 22, 3:00 p.m. @Livestream Worldwide

https://www.facebook.com/ropeadope99/ https://youtu.be/NLxviDuqRTM 

Keyboardist, theatre composer, and musical storyteller Russ Kaplan presents a unique and interesting response to the current state of global lockdown and social change. Nine Takes is an international musical experiment that looks to build bridges in a time of isolation. Nine musicians from across the globe - strangers before this - formed a “global writing group” to compose one tune apiece. They then exchanged their sheet music amongst each other, and all filmed their own concerts of the whole set... but without ever hearing any demos of the songs beforehand. The result is nine fully original interpretations of this thrilling new collection of World Jazz. In our new socially distant world, Nine Takes is a project built on trust, creativity, and celebrating our individuality.

The collaborators are:

Russ Kaplan | New York City, Lisa Marie Simmons & Marco Cremaschini | Lake Garda, Italy, Yasushi Karasawa aka N’Sawa Saraca, Andrea Molinari | Rome, Italy, Ernest Ikwanga | Lausanne, Switzerland, Erik Deutsch | Mexico City, Mexico, Aidan Thorne | Cardiff, Wales, Alexander Flood | Adelaide, Australia, Padraig Rynne | Dublin, Ireland | 


June 5, 2020-  Ropeadope Records Improvisation & Spoken Word Livestream Panel

Friday June 5 - 8:00 p.m. @ https://www.facebook.com/ropeadope99/

The collaborators are:

 Heroes Are Gang Leaders,  Bright Dog Red, Lisa Marie Simmons, and Regina Harris Baiocchi


April 20, 2020

Monday, April 20- 1:00 p.m.

Lockdown Lit Video Anthology - Watch Lisa's performance here.


April 14, 2020

Tuesday, April 14

Lockdown Video "Returning From Pluto" Release 

Now feels like the right moment to release our lockdown video of  “Returning from Pluto”. As we tentatively take our steps forward in this new reality, I want to keep in mind our bond, my connection with each and every one of you, and to ask you to join me in imagining how we might reshape our world in the days ahead. How might we best honor one another and that incandescent filament that binds each of us tightly to the next? Please support our fundraiser for EMERGENCY.

Returning From Pluto

Coverage in BresciaOggi

"La solarità incontenibile della frontwoman degli Hippie Tendencies, la sua curiosità mai doma ...  la sua capacità di trasformare qualsiasi incontro in un happening musicale ci travolgano in questi giorni di serietà, preoccupazioni e speranze indomite sul futuro" Brescia Oggi Sara Centenari

"The irrepressible radiance of the Hippie Tendencies frontwoman, her curiosity never tamed ... her ability to transform any meeting into a musical happening overwhelm us in these days of seriousness, concerns and indomitable hopes for the future." Brescia Oggi Sara Centenari


March 9, 2020- Lisa Marie Simmons and Louis Marks

Monday, March 9 The Station Tapes

Curious about NoteSpeak’s message and how I came to be me? Here’s an intimate detailed conversation about all that with Ropeadope Records CEO Louis Marks 


February 22-23, 2020 - Lisa&Marco  Pinzolo, Dolomiti (TN)

February 22-23, 9:00 p.m.  @ Lefay Resorts Via Alpe di Grual, 16, 38086 Pinzolo TN

Our resident happy place has opened another hotel in the mountains. First thing they put in? A piano!


February 14,  2020 - H.T. Trio - Moniga (BS)

Friday February 14, 9:00 p.m. @ Recyclage Cafe  Via Pergola 31, 25080

H.T. Trio (Marco, Chris and Lisa once more)  at our newest resident hang.


January 24, 2020 - NoteSpeak Jaipur, India 

Friday, January 24, 7:00 p.m.  @ Clarks Amer, Jaipur   Jawahar Lal Nehru Marg, Lal Bahadur Nagar, 

Chandrakala Colony, Near, Jaipur, Rajasthan 302017, India

NoteSpeak on the main stage at the Jaipur Literature Festival


January 2, 2020 - Lisa & Marco  Pinzolo, Dolomiti (TN)

Thursday, January 2, 9:00 p.m.  @ Lefay Resorts Via Alpe di Grual, 16, 38086 Pinzolo TN

Our resident happy place has opened another hotel in the mountains. First thing they put in? A piano!


December 28,  2019 - Lisa & Marco  Gargnano (BS)

Saturday, December 28, 9:00 p.m.  @ Lefay Resorts Via Angelo Feltrinelli, 136 25084

At our resident happy place.


December 27, 2019 - Lisa & Marco  Pinzolo, Dolomiti (TN)

Friday December 27, 9:00 p.m.  @ Lefay Resorts Via Alpe di Grual, 16, 38086 Pinzolo TN

Our resident happy place has opened another hotel in the mountains. First thing they put in? A piano!


December 17, 2019 - HT Trio - Prato, Tuscany

Tuesday, December 17, 8:00 p.m.  Private Party @ TRIBECA Factory Via Genova, 17, 59100 Prato PO

 Private Party for Richard Ginori. 


November 15,  2019 - H.T. Trio - Moniga (BS)

Friday November 15, 9:00 p.m. @ Recyclage Cafe  Via Pergola 31, 25080

H.T. Trio (Marco, Chris and Lisa once more)  at our newest resident hang.


November 9,  2019 - Lisa & Marco  Gargnano (BS)

Saturday, November 9, 9:00 p.m.  @ Lefay Resorts Via Angelo Feltrinelli, 136 25084

At our resident happy place.


November 1,  2019 – NoteSpeak 6tet Prague

Friday November 1, 2019 9:30 p.m. @ Reduta Jazz Club

Narodni 20 Prague 1 110 00 Czech Republic 

Phone +420 224 933 487 

 NoteSpeak play the International Jazz Festival hosted by Reduta Jazz Club.


 November 30, 2019 - NoteSpeak 6tet  Austria

Wednesday November 30, 2019  9:00 p.m. @ Mohr Life Resort  Innsbrucker Str. 40 Lermoos, Tirol  A-6631

NoteSpeak at the lovely Mohr Life Resort. 


October 25, 2019 – NoteSpeak 6tet Verona

Friday October 25 2019 10:15 p.m. @ Le Cantina del'Arena

Piazzetta Scalette Rubiani, 1, VR 37121 Phone 045 8032849  

NoteSpeak in uno dei jazz club più bella dell'Italia - NoteSpeak at one of the coolest Jazz Clubs Italia offers


August 23, 2019- H.T. 5tet - Medole

Friday August 23, 9:30 p.m. @ Il Convento dell'Annunciata Via Annunciata 19 Medole, MN 46046

Private party in this gorgeous oasis- Great staff, great food and beautiful place. Happy to be invited back!


August 22, 2019- H.T. Duo- Padenghe

Thursday, June 20,  7:00 p.m.   Via Via del Lido Padenghe, 25080

With Marco, Lisa. @ Copelia

Musica e onde del lago sono gli ingredienti della serata di Copelia. Giovedì 22 agosto, godetevi lo spettacolo del duo Hippie Tendencies: un groove unico a se stesso, con un ritorno alle origini, un suono naturale che si fonde perfettamente con le struggenti liriche, passionali.⁠


August 18, 2019 - H.T. Duo - Castiglione delle Stivere

Sunday August 18, 7:00 p.m. @ Bar Dos Giardinos Piazza Ugo D'allò 1 Castiglione delle Stiviere, Italy 46043

Marco and Lisa play for your apperitivo.


July 26,  2019- H.T. Trio - Moniga (BS)

Friday July 26, 9:00 p.m. @ Recyclage Cafe  Via Pergola 31, 25080

H.T. Trio (Marco, Chris and Lisa once more)  at our new resident hang.


July 14, 2019, H.T. 5tet - Medole

Sunday July 14, 9:30 p.m. @ Il Convento dell'Annunciata Via Annunciata 19 Medole, MN 46046

Private party in this gorgeous oasis- Great staff, great food and beautiful place. Happy to be invited back!


July 10, 2019 - H.T. Trio - Lograto

Wednesday, July 10, 9:00 p.m. @ Al Caporalino Piazza Roma 14 Lograto 25030

Marco, Lisa, and Chris discover these new digs right alongside you.


June 30, 2019 H.T. Trio - Castiglione delle Stivere

Sunday June 30, 7:00 p.m. @ Bar Dos Giardinos Piazza Ugo D'allò 1 Castiglione delle Stiviere, Italy 46043

Marco, Lisa, and Chris play for your apperitivo.


June 27, 2019, H .T. Duo- Sulzano

Thursday, June 27,  9:00 p.m. @ Darsena 21  Via Cesare Battisti 9 25058

Lisa and Marco lakeside on Lago D'Iseo at this spectacular new venue.


June 20 2019 H.T. Duo- Padenghe

Monday, June 20,  7:00 p.m.   Via Via del Lido Padenghe, 25080

With Marco, Lisa. al Cocktail Bar Le Terrazze Miralago!

I tavoli sono garantiti solo su prenotazione a :


June 9, 2019  H.T. Duo - Lonato

Sunday June 9, 9:00 p.m. @ l'Agrigelateria Regina, via Battaglie 21b, Lonato del Garda.

"Jazz anni '30" con Lisa e Marco..


June 2, 2019, H.T. 5tet - Medole

Sunday June 2, 9:00 p.m. @ Il Convento dell'Annunciata Via Annunciata 19 Medole, MN 46046

Private party in this gorgeous oasis- Great staff, great food and beautiful place. Happy to be invited back!


May 26,  2019 H.T. 5tet Centenaro di Lonato

Sunday May 26, 10:00 a.m.- 7:00 p.m. @ Podere del Lavagno Via Lavagnone 41A, 25017

Fundraiser for the Cooperativa Mongolfiera di iniziare un percorso di A.A.A (attività Assiatita con l'Animale)

With Corimè, Palmitos, Nameless, Waja Maja, Titti Castrinii, and many more

Tutto il ricavato permetterà ai ragazzi della Cooperativa Mongolfiera di iniziare un percorso di A.A.A (attività Assiatita con l'Animale)


May 25, 2019 H.T. 5tet - Medole

Saturday May 25, 9:30 p.m. @ Il Convento dell'Annunciata Via Annunciata 19 Medole, MN 46046

Private party in this gorgeous oasis- Great staff, great food and beautiful place. Happy to be invited back!


May 10,  2019, H.T. Trio - Moniga (BS)

Friday May 10, 9:00 p.m. @ Recyclage Cafe  Via Pergola 31, 25080

H.T. Trio (Marco, Chris and Lisa once more)  at our new resident hang.


April 25 - 28, 2019 Jazzahead Bremen Germany 

Thursday, April 25 - Sunday, April 28 Findorffstraße 101, 28215 Bremen, Germany


March 17,  2018 H.T. Duo - Moniga (BS)

Sunday March 17, 6:30 p.m. @ Recyclage Cafe  Via Pergola 31, 25080

H.T. Duo Secondo OPEN DAY al Recycle Cafe ricco di novità. Si parte già dalla mattina alle 10.00. Quale modo migliore di cominciare la giornata se non con una colazione od un aperitivo baciati dal sole? Da qui in poi, per tutto il giorno, possibilità di testare le nostre bici, farsi coccolare dalle mani esperte dei nostri barbieri e, perché no, farsi un nuovo tatuaggio. A mezzogiorno il nostro "special lunch" e poi via dritti fino all'aperitivo delle 18.30 con la musica dei bravissimi Lisa Marie Simmons & Marco Cremaschini. Il tutto circondati da amici e splendide persone. Cosa chiedere di più


February 22,  2019, H.T. Trio - Moniga (BS)

Friday February 22, 9:00 p.m. @ Recyclage Cafe  Via Pergola 31, 25080

H.T. Trio (Marco, Chris and Lisa once more)  at our new resident hang.


February 15, 2019,  Jazz Trio w/ special guest TBA- Rovereto  

Friday  February 15 9:00 p.m. @ Osteria Del Pettirosso,Corso Bettini, 24 Rovereto (TN)  38068 Tel. +39 0464 422463

Trio (Marco, Lisa, TBA ) PettirossoIncontra… il Jazz http://www.osteriadelpettirosso.it/eventi/


December 31, 2018  - Gargnano

Sunday December 31 9:00 p.m. @ Lefay Resorts 118 Via Angelo Feltrinelli Gargnano, 25084  +39 0365 241800

H.T. Trio (Marco, Lisa, Simone Boffa) with NoteSpeak Violinist Laura Masotto are ringing in the new year for you in style!


December 25 - Dec. 28 2018 H.T. duo - Austria

Tuesday, December 25- December 28, 8:30 p.m. @ Mohr Life Resort  Innsbrucker Str. 40 Lermoos, Tirol  A-6631

Marco and Lisa back at the incomparable Mohr Life Resort. As ever pure joy for us to return. 


December 7,  2018, H.T. Trio - Moniga (BS)

Friday December 7, 9:00 p.m. @ Recyclage Cafe  Via Pergola 31, 25080

H.T. Trio (Marco, Chris and Lisa once more)  at our new resident hang.


October 11, 2018 H.T. 5tet- Guidizzolo (MN)

Sunday, October 11, 6:00 p.m. @ Sede MASeC Piazza Falcone e Borsellino, 46040

H.T 5tet perform in this two-day event dedicated to the memory of our friend Paolo Degiuli
For tickets:


September 28,  2018 H.T. Trio - Moniga (BS)

Friday September 28, 9:00 p.m. @ Recyclage Cafe  Via Pergola 31, 25080

H.T. Trio (Marco, Chris and Lisa once more)  at our new resident hang.


July 20,  2018, H.T. Trio - Moniga (BS)

Friday July 20, 9:00 p.m. @ Recyclage Cafe  Via Pergola 31, 25080

H.T. Trio (Marco, Chris and Lisa once more)  at our new resident hang.


July 12 2018 H.T. Duo - Padenghe

Thursday, July 12,  9:00 p.m. @ Copelia  Via del Lido Padenghe, 25080

With Marco & Lisa under the stars- on the lakes edge.


July 1 ,  2018 H.T. Trio - Verolanuova (BS)

Friday July  1, 18:30 p.m. @ Bar Portici Piazza Libertà 25028

H.T. Trio (Marco, Chris and Lisa )  Spritz life!


June 22,  2018, H.T. Trio - Moniga (BS)

Friday June 22,, 9:00 p.m. @ Recyclage Cafe  Via Pergola 31, 25080

H.T. Trio (Marco, Chris and Lisa once more)  at our new resident hang.


June 16,  2018, The Downbeat Trio  Gargnano (BS)

Saturday, June 16, 9:00 p.m.  Lefay Resorts Via Angelo Feltrinelli, 136 25084

Downbeat at our resident happy place.


June 13,  2018 The Downbeat Trio  Bedizzole (BS)

Wednesday, June 13, 8:30 p.m.  Via San Vito 34 - 25081 

Downbeat in this historic church- the Chiesa dei Santi Vito- built in 1509.


June 3 2018 H.T. 5tet Centenaro di Lonato

Sunday June 3, 10:00 a.m.- 7:00 p.m. @ Podere del Lavagno Via Lavagnone 41A, 25017

Fundraiser for the Cooperativa Mongolfiera di iniziare un percorso di A.A.A (attività Assiatita con l'Animale)

With Corimè, Miles Simmons, Alan Farrington, Waja Maja, Simone Guiducci, Titti Castrinii, and many more

Tutto il ricavato permetterà ai ragazzi della Cooperativa Mongolfiera di iniziare un percorso di A.A.A (attività Assiatita con l'Animale)


June 1,  2018 H.T. Trio - Soiano Del Lago (BS)

Friday June 1, 18:00 p.m. @ FRANTOIO MANESTRINI  Via Avanzi, 11, 25080

H.T. Duo + Special Guests Marco and Lisa performing for guests of the 75th Italian Golf Open


May 25,  2018 H.T. Trio - Moniga (BS)

Friday May 25, 9:00 p.m. @ Recyclage Cafe  Via Pergola 31, 25080

H.T. Trio (Marco, Chris and Lisa once more)  at our new resident hang.


April 9-13, 2018  Speaker at The Conference on World Affairs


Lisa will be speaking on several panels at the 70th Conference on World Affairs in Boulder, Co.


April 11 2018 Lisa Special Guest Spot w/ Rabblefish - Boulder, Co.

Wednesday April 11 8:00 - 11:00 @  The Laughing Goat 1709 Pearl St, Boulder, CO 80302- USA

Chris Malley Guitar, John Stenger Keys, Eric Thorin Bass, Christian Teele drums


April 6  2018 Lisa +Eric Thorin- Bass, Chris Malley-Guitar and Christian Teele-Percussion -Boulder, Co.

Friday April 6 @  Highland City Club 885 Arapahoe Ave, Boulder, CO 80302, USA

Dinner: 5:30 & Music 7:30

Music  in the Grand Hall- $35 for dinner, dessert, and concert

Tickets sold here


Februrary 23,  2018 H.T. Trio - Moniga (BS)

Friday Februrary 23, 9:00 p.m. @ Recyclage Cafe  Via Pergola 31, 25080

H.T. Trio (Marco, Chris and Lisa once more)  at our new neighborhood hang.


January 25 - January 27  2018 H.T. duo - Austria

Thursday, January 25, 8:30 p.m. & Saturday, January 27 20:30 @ Mohr Life Resort  Innsbrucker Str. 40 Lermoos, Tirol  A-6631

Marco and Lisa back at the incomparable Mohr Life Resort. Pure joy for us to return. 


January 19,  2018, H.T. Trio - Moniga (BS)

Friday January 19,, 9:00 p.m. @ Recyclage Cafe  Via Pergola 31, 25080

H.T. Trio (Marco, Chris and Lisa once more)  at our new neighborhood hang.


December 31, 2017 H.T. Trio w/ special guest Laura Masotto- Gargnano

Sunday December 31 9:00 p.m. @ Lefay Resorts 118 Via Angelo Feltrinelli Gargnano, 25084  +39 0365 241800

H.T. Trio (Marco, Cesare and Lisa) with NoteSpeak Violinist Laura Masotto are ringing in the new year for you in style!


December 28, 2017, Downbeat Trio w/ special guest Marco Biasetti

Thursday December 26 9:00 p.m. @ Mohr Life Resort  Innsbrucker Str. 40 Lermoos, Tirol  A-6631

Marco, and Lisa with Marco Biasetti sitting in for Miles singing festive!


December 26, 2017  Downbeat Trio w/ special guest Marco Biasetti

Tuesday December 26 8:00 p.m. @ La Rucola 2.0 Via Strentelle, 3 - Sirmione BS 25019 030916326

Marco, and Lisa with Marco Biasetti sitting in for Miles singing festive!


December 22, 2017  Downbeat Trio w/ special guest Marco Biasetti

Friday December 22 9:00 p.m. @  Al Parco  Parco Nocivelli 328 855 4373

Marco, and Lisa with Marco Biasetti sitting in for Miles singing festive!


December 17,  2017 H.T. 4tet- Brescia (BS)

Sunday December 17 9:00 p.m. @ La Tana del Gufo  Via Corte Ferrarini 2, BS  25017

H.T. 4tet with some new tunes for ya'll plus some festive stuff!


December 12,  2017, H.T. 4tet- Brescia (BS)

Tuesday December 12, 8:00 p.m. @ Apalazzo Gallery Piazza Tebaldo Brusato, 35 25121

H.T. 4tet perform in Brescia's premier Contemporary Art Gallery.


December 1,  2017, H.T. Trio - Moniga (BS)

Friday December 1, 9:00 p.m. @ Recyclage Cafe  Via Pergola 31, 25080

H.T. Trio (Marco, Chris and Lisa once more)  at our new neighborhood hang.


November 17,  2017, H.T. Trio - Moniga (BS)

Friday November 17, 9:00 p.m. @ Recyclage Cafe  Via Pergola 31, 25080

H.T. Trio (Marco, Chris and Lisa) at our new neighborhood hang.


October 20, 2017,  H.T. trio

Friday September 29 9:00 p.m. @  Al Parco  Parco Nocivelli 328 855 4373

H.T. Trio Marco, Christian and Lisa in the park. Great stage- we love this gig and can't wait to play for all ya'll.


September 23,  2017,  Hippie Tendencies 4tet- Milano

Saturday, September 23 9:30 p.m. @  Fashion Week for Giemme  Via Morimondo

H.T. 4tet perform for Milano Fashion week at Giemme's Showroom in Milan


September 16,  2017,  NoteSpeak

Saturday, September 16 7:30 p.m. @  The Jaipur International Literature Festival- Boulder Co.

Our U.S. debut of NoteSpeak- Thrilling!




August 2 2017 H.T. 4tet with special guests Holly Shockey  and Miles Simmons- Desenzano

Wednesday  August 2  8:30 p.m. @ Notte Bianco Desenzano  Piazza Matteotti, BS 25015

Dopo il successo degli ultimi anni Desenzano ospita di nuovo questa bella festa. H.T. 4tet. All night party in the streets, we LOVE this gig.


August 6 2017 The Downbeat Trio - Lonato

Sunday, August 6, 9:00 p.m. @ La Tana del Gufo  Via Corte Ferrarini 2, BS  25017

Lisa, Marco, and Miles are back at what is rapidly becoming one of their favorite local haunts.


August 9 2017 H.T. 4tet - Desenzano

Wednesday August 9, 9:00 p.m. @ Notte Bianco Desenzano Piazza Malvezzi, BS 25015

Dopo il successo degli ultimi anni Desenzano ospita di nuovo questa bella festa. H.T. 4tet. All night party in the streets, we LOVE this gig.


August 11 2017  The Downbeat Trio - Moniga (BS)

Friday August 11, 9:00 p.m. @ Recyclage Cafe  Via Pergola 31, 25080

Downbeat Trio at our new neighborhood hang with special guest TBA.


August 15 2017 The Downbeat Trio w/ special guests TBA-  Gargnano (BS)

Tuesday August 15, 9:00 p.m.  Lefay Resorts Via Angelo Feltrinelli, 136 25084

Downbeat at our resident happy place with special guest TBA.


August 16 2017 H.T. 4tet - Desenzano

Wednesday  August 16  8:30 p.m. @ Notte Bianco Desenzano  Piazza Matteotti, BS 25015

Dopo il successo degli ultimi anni Desenzano ospita di nuovo questa bella festa. H.T. 4tet. All night party in the streets, we LOVE this gig.


August 18 2017 H.T. 4tet (Special Guest Arki Buelli on drums)- Peschiera

Friday  August 18  9:00 p.m. @  XXV PALIO DELLE MURA  Parco Catullo 1 La Palazzina Storica del Parco Catullo,  37019

Il concerto di H.T. è inserito nella manifestazione chiamata “XXV PALIO DELLE MURA” che si svolgerà a Peschiera del Garda 18,19,20,21 AGOSTO presso la Palazzina Storica del Parco Catullo.


July 27- 2017 The Downbeat Trio - Franciacorte, Lago D'Iseo

Thursday July 27  7:30 p.m. @ Dispensa pani e vini Franciacorta -via Principe Umberto 23 Torbiato Frazione Di Adro

Lisa, Miles and Marco perform for Jazz in giardino.

Aperitivo di benvenuto in musica http://www.dispensafranciacorta.com


July 23 2017 H.T. 5tet Centenaro di Lonato

Sunday July 23, 10:00 a.m.- 7:00 p.m. @ Podere del Lavagno Via Lavagnone 41A, 25017

Fundraiser for the Cooperativa Mongolfiera di iniziare un percorso di A.A.A (attività Assiatita con l'Animale)

With Corimè, Alan Farrington, Waja Maja, Simone Guiducci, Poli, Cocconi, Biancoli, Codenhause

Tutto il ricavato permetterà ai ragazzi della Cooperativa Mongolfiera di iniziare un percorso di A.A.A (attività Assiatita con l'Animale)


July 9- 2017 HT Duo - Puster Valley, Bolzano

Sunday July 9  8:00 p.m. @ Falkensteiner Hotel Lido Bahnhofstr./Via Stazione 7 Ehrenburg/Casteldarne

Marco and Lisa in the Dolomites in this new (for us anway ;) ) venue in the mountains- perfect place to catch a breeze.


July 6 - July 8, 2017, H.T. duo - Austria

Thursday July 6 8:30 p.m. @ Mohr Life Resort  Innsbrucker Str. 40 Lermoos, Tirol  A-6631

Marco and Lisa back at the incomparable Mohr Life Resort. Pure joy for us to return. 


 June 26 2017 H.T. 5tet  special guest Miles Simmons- Peschiera

Monday  June 26  9:00 p.m. @ Antica Osteria Busocaldo

Private Party.


June 21 2017  H.T. 4tet - Desenzano w/ special guest Miles Simmons

Wednesday June 21 8:30 p.m. @ Notte Bianco Desenzano  Piazza Feltrinelli, BS 25015

Dopo il successo degli ultimi anni Desenzano ospita di nuovo questa bella festa. H.T. 5tet. All night party in the streets, we LOVE this gig.


 June 14 2017  H.T. Trio - Firenze

Wednesday  June 14  8:00 p.m. @ Terrazza Brunelleschi  Piazza dell'Unità Italiana 6, Firenze, 50123

Marco, Chris, and Lisa in the heart of Florence during Fashion Week for an exclusive private party.


June 4, 2017, H.T. 4tet w/ special guest Miles Simmons- Puegnago sul garda

Sunday June 4, 8:00 p.m. @ Osteria Della Cantina Via Videlle 2, 25080

So excited to be a part of the fundraising for Brescia's very first Gay Pride parade ever with:

The Freaky Mermaids, Corimè, and Stefano Zeni

Brescia Pride unire la città e unire la provincia!

Un concerto imperdibile sul lago di Garda, sostenuto da musicisti e cantanti eccezionali e sensibili alle tematiche che questo Brescia Pride sta portando avanti con eventi da gennaio fino al 17 giugno!

Per info: 339/4675163


May 26 2017 H.T. 4tet w/ special guests Titti Castrini + Francesco Palmas- Volta Mantovana  

Friday May 26, 9:00 p.m. @ Il Vecchio Mulino Volta Mantovana Str. Volta Pozzolo, 46049 

Private Party


April 20 2017 H.T. Trio - Padenghe

Thursday, April 20,  7:00 p.m.   Via Via del Lido Padenghe, 25080

With Marco, Lisa, Christian, and a white baby grand.

l'apertura del Cocktail Bar Le Terrazze Miralago!
SAVE THE DATE • 20 Aprile 2017 •

I tavoli sono garantiti solo su prenotazione a :


 April 2 2017 H.T. Duo w/ special guest TBA - Lonato    

Sunday April 2, 9:00 p.m. @ La Tana del Gufo  Via Corte Ferrarini 2, BS  25017

Lisa and Marco at one of their favourite venues + Special guest TBA


March 26 2017 H.T. Trio - Padenghe

Sunday, March 26,  7:00 p.m.   Via Via del Lido Padenghe, 25080

With Marco, Lisa, Christian, and a white baby grand.

La domenica sera il Miralago si trasforma!
La nostra stupenda location in riva al lago diventerà il luogo per concludere il fine settimana in un'atmosfera unica.

Aperitivo con finger food, piccole portate calde dalla cucina e live music: "Attenti a quei due" con Giully & Wainer!

La serata inizia alle ore 19.00
ingresso donna 10 €
ingresso uomo 15 €
Dalle 21 in poi ingresso libero.

I tavoli sono garantiti solo su prenotazione a :


March 18 2017 H.T. Trio - Manerba

Saturday, March 18,  9:00 p.m.   Via Campagnolo 27 Manerba, 25080

Lisa, Max, and Marco play Osteria Le Piante, this new venue is opening up for the season and we're glad to usher in spring!


March 8 2017 H.T. Duo w/ special guest Paolo Badiini- Cavriago

Wednesday March 8,  8:00 p.m.   Piazza G.Garibaldi, 16 Cavriago RE,  42025

Lisa and Marco + a special guest Paolo Badiini, Upright Bass,  play this historic cantina in Reggio Emilia


February 1 2017 H.T. Duo Bar La Torre- Brescia

Wednesday, February 1,  8:30 p.m.   Via San Faustino, Brescia, 25122

Lisa and Marco in Brescia as part of the Jazz Festival organised by "Jazz on the Road".


January 18 2017 H.T. 4tet Bolzano

Wednesday, January 18,  8:00 p.m.  Gumergasse, 39100

Private Party for Prader Bank


January 12 2017 H.T. Duo- Trento

Thursday, January 12,  7:00 p.m.  Via Belenzani, 38122

Private Party for Prader Bank


January 1 2017 H.T. Duo w/ special guest Miles Simmons - Salò

Sunday January 1,  5:00 p.m. @ Piazza Vittoria (se brutto tempo in Sala Provveditori in Municipio), 25087

Lisa, Marco, and Miles starting the new year off with a family affair.


December 31 2016 H.T. Trio w/ special guest Miles Simmons - Gargnano

Saturday December 31 9:00 p.m. @ Lefay Resorts    118 Via Angelo Feltrinelli Gargnano, 25084  +39 0365 241800

Lisa, Marco, Simone Boffa and Miles are ringing in the new year for you in style!


December 18 2016 H.T. Duo w/ special guest Miles Simmons - Lonato

Sunday December 18 9:00 p.m. @ La Tana del Gufo  Via Corte Ferrarini 2, BS  25017

Lisa, Marco and Miles are back at what is rapidly becoming one of their favorite local haunts with The Simmons Family Christmas show.


December 17 2016 H.T. 4tet w/special guest Miles Simmons- Austria

Saturday December 17 8:30 p.m. @ Mohr Life Resort  Innsbrucker Str. 40 Lermoos, Tirol  A-6631

H.T. 4tet celebrate with Mohr their 10 year anniversary as MOHR life resort (+210 years 3 MOHREN) . This warm beautifully appointed spa warrants a visit and what better time? ;)


November 25 2016 H.T. 4tet - Gavardo

Friday November 25 8:30 p.m. @ Pegaso  Via Tormini 72, BS 25085

H.T. 4tet at one of our favorite local haunts to gig in. Chef Nadia's food = ridiculous joy.


November 4 2016 H.T. 5tet - Brescia

Friday November 4 9:00 p.m. @   Via Quinta, 5, Villaggio Prealpino, BS 25136

H.T. 5tet participate in the benefit BRESCIA AMATRICE for earthquake victims.  BRESCIA AMATRICE- Evento benefico per raccolta fond terremotati.

Costo biglietto: 12,00 euro acquistabile presso Vigasio e officina della musica via dei mille.


October 7 2016 H.T. Trio - Montichiari

Friday October 7 9:30 p.m. @ ILC  Via Mons. Oscar Romero 43 BS 25018

Lisa, Marco and Chris look forward to gigging in this brand new ironically named club.


September 24 2016 H.T. 4tet - Milan

Saturday  September 24 6:30 p.m. @ Villa Mirabello  via Villa Mirabello, 6 MI 20125

H.T. 4tet in Milan for a private party in this historic villa.


August 30 2016 NoteSpeak Debut-Brescia

Wednesday August 31 8:30 p.m. @ Pianta Vigna  Via Trieste 3 BS 25121

Lisa and Marco present the debut of their new side project NoteSpeak.


August 24 2016 H.T. Trio - Padenghe

Wednesday August 24 9:00 p.m. @ Copelia  Via del Lido,  Padenghe Sul Garda, 25080

Lisa, Marco and Chris at just about the coolest club on the lakes edge.


August 22 2016 H.T. 5tet - Peschiera

Monday August 22 9:00 p.m. @ XXIV PALIO DELLE MURA  Parco Catullo 1, VR 37019

Il concerto di H.T. è inserito nella manifestazione chiamata “XXIV PALIO DELLE MURA” che si svolgerà a Peschiera del Garda 19,20,21,22,23 AGOSTO presso la Palazzina Storica del Parco Catullo.


August 19 2016 H.T. duo+Special Guests - Salò

Friday August 19 9:00 p.m. @  Note in jazz "On the Road"  Piazza Cavour BS  25087

H.T. Duo Marco and Lisa swing with special guests the mythic Gianni Cazzola on drums and groovy Alex Orciari on bass.


August 14 2016 H.T. duo+Special Guest - Lonato del Garda

Sunday August 14 9:00 p.m. @ La Tana del Gufo  Via Corte Ferrarini 2, BS  25017

H.T. duo Lisa and Marco with Special guest Lorenzo Lama on guitar participate in La Tana del Gufo's festival JAZZ e intorno al JAZZ.


August 10 2016 H.T. 5tet - Desenzano

Wednesday  August 10 8:30 p.m. @ Notte Bianco Desenzano  Piazza Matteotti, BS 25015

Dopo il successo degli ultimi anni Desenzano ospita di nuovo questa bella festa. H.T. 5tet. All night party in the streets, we LOVE this gig.


August 5 2016  H.T. due + Special Guests- Verolanuova

Sunday August 5 9:00 p.m. @  Al Parco  Parco Nocivelli 328 855 4373

H.T. Duo Marco and Lisa swing with special guests Miles Simmons (voice) Gianni Cazzola on drums and Cesare Pizzetti on bass.


July 31 2016  H.T. 4tet - Medole

Sunday July 31 9:30 p.m. @ Il Convento dell'Annunciata  Via Annunciata 19 Medole, MN 46046

Private party in this gorgeous oasis- Great staff, great food and beautiful place. Happy to be invited back!


July 29 2016  H.T. 4tet - Medole

Friday July 29 9:30 p.m. @ Il Convento dell'Annunciata  Via Annunciata 19 Medole, MN 46046

Private party in this gorgeous oasis- Great staff, great food and beautiful place. Happy to be invited back!


July 27 2016  H.T. 5tet - Desenzano

Mercoledì  July 27 8:30 p.m. @ Notte Bianco Desenzano  Piazza Matteotti, BS 25015

Dopo il successo degli ultimi anni Desenzano ospita di nuovo questa bella festa. H.T. 5tet. All night party in the streets, we LOVE this gig.


July 16 2016  H.T. trio - Gargnano

Saturday July 16 9:30 p.m. @ Lefay Resorts    118 Via Angelo Feltrinelli Gargnano,  25084  +39 0365 241800

Marco, Lisa and Christian at our happy resident gig, whenever we're at the lake it's good to have a home away from home.


July 15 2016  H.T. duo - Gargnano

Friday July 15 9:30 p.m. @ Lefay Resorts    118 Via Angelo Feltrinelli Gargnano,  +39 0365 241800

Our happy resident gig, whenever we're at the lake it's good to have a home away from home.


July 13 2016  H.T. 4tet - Desenzano

Wednesday July 13 8:30 p.m. @ Notte Bianco Desenzano  Piazza Feltrinelli, BS 25015

Dopo il successo degli ultimi anni Desenzano ospita di nuovo questa bella festa. H.T. 5tet. All night party in the streets, we LOVE this gig.


July 3 2016  H.T. 4tet - Gavardo

Sunday July 3 2:o0 p.m. @ Tenuta Agricola Trevigiani  Soprazzocco di Gavardo Via Galuzzo 2, BS 25085

Due giornate di degustazioni, musica, cultura ed incontri con i Sovversivi del Gusto: produttori ed artigiani provenienti da tutta Italia, radunati sul Lago di Garda. Un’occasione per incontrare le storie vere del buon cibo del nostro paese. Degustazioni e vendita di Olio Extra Vergine di Oliva, formaggi di mucca e capra, vini, birre, prodotti da forno, mieli, aceti (di miele e balsamici), dolci, cioccolata, pasta, conserve, salumi e molte altre tipicità.


July 1 2016  H.T. duo - Toscolano Maderno

Friday  July 13 8:30 p.m. @  L'Angolo del Caffè  Piazza S.Marco 45,  BS 25088

Lisa and Marco lakefront singing for your aperitivo- and enjoying some spritzes.


June 28 2016 H.T. duo Moniga d/g

Tuesday June 28 9:00 p.m. @  La Gola  Via Canestrelli, 9 0365 503622

Marco and Lisa under the stars..


June 5 2016 H.T. 4tet  Verolanuova

Saturday June 5 9:00 p.m. @  Al Parco  Parco Nocivelli 328 855 4373

Such a great summer stage, in the middle of the park, we love this gig and can't wait to play for all ya'll.


May 30 2016  H.T. 5tet - Polpenazza d/G

Monday May 30 8:00 p.m. @ Fiera del Vino di Polpenazze d/G    Piazzale Biolchi Polpenazza     0365 674012

67° Fiera del Vino di Polpenazze: Organic wine fair- uh yea, sign us up!!


May 29 2016  H.T. Duo - Solferino

Sunday May 29 8:30 p.m. @ Solimago    Via Napoleone III n.37 Solferino    0376 855 109,  339 3504042

Rose Fresca Allenatissima. Un weekend all'insegna del bello. Cena galante con concerto e lucciole nella magia del giardino di Solimago


April 9 2016 –H.T. 5tet Summa '16

Saturday April 9 2016 8:00 p.m. @ Alois Lageder Cellar

Vicolo dei Conti 9, Magrè Sulla Strada Del Vino BZ 39040 Phone 0471 809 500  H.T. 5tet at one of Italia's most prestigious winery's (and that's saying' somethin'! ).


March 18 2016 –H.T. 6tet Verona

Friday March 18 2016 10:15 p.m. @ Le Cantina del'Arena

Piazzetta Scalette Rubiani, 1, VR 37121 Phone 045 8032849  H.T. 6tet in uno dei nostri preferiti Clubs-H.T 6tet- Back at what has to be one of our very favorite venues!


March 3 and 5 2016 – H.T. Duo Mohr-Life Resorts– Lermoos, Austria

Tuesday January 26 2016 and Thursday January 28 9:30 pm Innsbruckerstr. 40 Phone +43(0)5673 2362

Marco and Lisa back at the incomparable Mohr and looking forward to some skiing and spa time too dontcha know!


February 14– H.T. Duo Trattoria Pegaso

Sunday February 14 8:00 pm Gavarda Via Tormino 72  Phone 0365372719   3403825028

Lisa and Marco crooning for you at their yumalicious new favorite hangout. We promise music for the Valentine haters too cuz “Some people are settling down, some people are settling and some people refuse to settle for anything less than butterflies.” - Carrie Bradshaw in “Sex in the City”


January 11 2016 - HT Duo Soprabolzano

Monday January 11 2016 8:00 p.m. @ Parkhotel Holzner

Via del Paese, 18 Soprabolzano   http://www.parkhotel-holzner.com Marco and Lisa up in the mountains, first time at this gorgeous venue!


January 8 2016 - HT 5tet Peschiera Del Garda

Friday January 8 2016 9:00 p.m. @ Le Veline

Via dell'Artigianato 1/3 Loc. Broglie- Peschiera Del Garda Phone 348.57.27.215  H.T. love this quirky new hangout!


Hippie Tendencies continue to write this winter as well as planning the release of the side project Notespeak (Details coming soon!) and of course gigging -Scroll down for upcoming HT gigs.  They were inspired to write a song "Snow Day" celebrating their 10 year anniversary which took place this month last year. For your free copy go to https://hippietendencies.bandcamp.com/track/snow-day and check out the video on this site.

In other news founding members Lisa and Marco are also giggin' with the Downbeat Trio featuring Miles Simmons.  Follow the links to check out their schedule, more gigs posted soon.. Jazzy, heart warming, humorous holiday music with a beat! Get there.






December 31 2015 - 4tet plus special guest Gargnano BS

Thursday December 31 2015 9:00 p.m. @ Lefay Resorts

Via Angelo Feltrinelli, 136 Tel. 0365 241800  H.T.- kickin' out the old an ringin' in the new with special guest Miles Simmons.


December 05 2015   H.T. 5tet Castiglione Delle Stiviere

Wednesday September 23 2015 9:30 p.m. @ Mutty 

Viale Maifreni, 54 0376 639921   H.T. play this beautiful cultural oasis. http://www.mutty.it


October 18 2015  HT 4tet Medole, Mantova

Sunday October 18 2015 1:00 p.m. @ Il Convento dell’Annunciata

Via Annunciata 19 HT 4tet happy to be back to perform in these gorgeous cloisters.


October 17 2015  "Consequence" debut Padova

Saturday October 17 2015 9:00 p.m. @ Teatro Pollini

H.T. founding members Lisa and Marco's song "Consequence" written for Cheryl Porter debuts with Cheryl and full Orchestra as part of the prestigious event "Due Nazione Un Cuore" for the 20 year anniversary of Velut Luna. Again fully orchestrated it will be presented in Washington D.C. on April 5  2016.


October 16 2015  H.T. 6tet- Bastia Umbra-Perugia

Friday October 16 2015 9:00 p.m. @ Twist & Shout

Via del Lavoro, 6 Bastia Umbra PG- 392 581 9920 H.T. 6tetH.T. 6tet on the road- felice di suonare nel questa storico locale situato nella zona industriale di Bastia Umbra.


October 15 2015  H.T. 6tet- Cortona - Tuscany

Thursday October 15 2015 8:30 p.m. Private party 


October 14 2015  H.T. Duo- Sirmione

Wednesday September 23 2015 9:00 p.m. @ Bistrot Grill da Pier   Via Colombare n.77  030 990 4862  H.T. Duo , serata speciale in versione "love boat" , musiche dal mondo, amore, allegria e un mare di champagne! ;)


October 7 2015  H.T. Duo- Sirmione

Wednesday September 23 2015 9:00 p.m. @ Bistrot Grill da Pier   Via Colombare n.77  030 990 4862  H.T. Duo , serata speciale in versione "love boat" , musiche dal mondo, amore, allegria e un mare di champagne! ;)


September 23 2015  H.T. 4tet- Sirmione

Wednesday September 23 2015 9:00 p.m. @ Bistrot Grill da Pier   Via Colombare n.77  030 990 4862  H.T. 4tet , serata speciale in versione "love boat" , musiche dal mondo, amore, allegria e un mare di champagne! ;)


Fall/Winter 2015/'16


July 29 2015  H.T. 5tet + Special Guest Miles Simmons -Desenzano

Wednesday July 15 2015 8:00 p.m. Centro Storico Desenzano Piazza Malvezzi   Notte Bianco Dopo il successo della anno scorso, Desenzano ospita di nuovo questa bella festa.


July 24 2015  H.T. 4tet + Special Guest Miles Simmons- Venezia

Friday July 24 9:00 p.m. @ Casinò di Venezia Ca' Noghera  Via Palagia 4/8 (Venezia - Tessera) Venice, Italy

Lisa, Marco, Max and Cesare play with Miles Simmons at Venezia's historic casino- the first ever in Europe.


July 17 2015  H.T. Duo + Special Guest Miles Simmons- Bologna

Wednesday July 17 9:00 p.m. @ Cantina Bentivoglia    Via Mascarella  4/B  Bologna      051 265416

Back by popular demand Lisa and Marco team up with Miles Simmons at one of Bologna's oldest venues.


July 15 2015 Desenzano Notte Bianca H.T. 5tet +Special Guest Lisa Bell

Wednesday July 15 2015 8:00 p.m. Centro Storico Desenzano Piazza Malvezzi   Dopo il successo della anno scorso, Desenzano ospita di nuovo questa bella festa.


June 27 2015  H.T. - Verolanuova

Saturday June 27 9:30 p.m. @ AlParco    Parco Nocivelli Verolanuova     328 855 4373

Hippie Tendencies in the park, you know summer's here!.


June 12 2015  Musica con Gusto

Friday June 12 2015 8:30 p.m. Agriturismo Cascina Le Volpi  Via Piridello, 06 Solferino, MN +39 0376 854028  Marco, Massimo and Lisa look forward to playing for Musica con Gusto , besides having a cool name there's guaranteed good eatin' and fine folks!
Menu dal Euro 30,00 Gradita La Prenotazione.


June 10 2015 Desenzano Notte Bianca

Wednesday June 10 2015 8:00 p.m. Centro Storico Desenzano Piazza Malvezzi   Dopo il successo della anno scorso, Desenzano ospita di nuovo questa bella festa. H.T. 5tet. + special guest.


May 16 2015  H.T.  Members Marco Cremaschini  Simone Boffa open for Robben Ford-Padova

Saturday May 16 7:00 p.m. @ Gran Teatro Geox via Tassinari, 1  +39 049 864 4888

H.T. P/T Member Simone Boffa & co-founder Marco Cremaschini opening for Robben Ford with Simone's Solo project “E’ tutta musica leggera” . Follow the link to see some great videos of the project!! Proud of our boys!


May 10 2015  H.T. with The Downbeat Trio + Special Guests Lisa Bell,  Rebecca King and Bill Finnigan- Chicago

Saturday May 10 7:00 p.m. @ Uncommon Ground on Devon 1401 W Devon Ave  Reservations: 773-465-9801

H.T. with the Downbeat Trio in Chicago's most intimate listening room and where better for H.T. to play than the greenest restaurant in Chicago, and one of the greenest in the United States?! We'll be debuting some new material and look forward to seeing you peeps


May 9 2015  H.T. Trio + Special Guest Bill Finnigan- Chicago

Saturday May 9 6:30 p.m. @ South Branch Tavern and Grill

H.T. looking forward to being back in the States and we could not be more pleased than to be playing this particular private party!!


March 13th 2015 – Le Cantina del'Arena– Verona

Friday March 13th 2015  9:00 pm Friday PIAZZETTA SCALETTE RUBIANI, 1, VR 37121 Phone 045 8032849 H.T. presenta la nuova CD Identity, con alcuni più recente materiale dal prossimo album ...continuiamo a scrivere ;), in uno dei nostri preferiti Clubs- Le Cantina del'Arena in Verona http: //www.lecantine-arena. com / live / musica. Più date in arrivo per l'inverno/primavera Tour. Nel frattempo check out due dei fondatori di HT- Lisa e Marco nel progetto parallelo The Downbeat Trio con il fratello di Lisa, Miles Simmons- on tour tutto dicembre. http://www.milessimmons.com/events/


March 5 and 7 2015 – H.T. Duo Mohr-Life Resorts– Lermoos, Austria

Thursday March 7 2015 and Saturday March 7 9:30 pm Innsbruckerstr. 40 Phone +43(0)5673 2362

Marco and Lisa Play Thursday  5 and Saturday  7 at one of our favorite venues ever, oooo maybe time for a spa between ;)



February 21 2015 – H.T. Duo - Interno 6 - Verolanuova

Saturday March 21 2015  9:00 pm Viale Marconi Phone 333 167 0422

Marco and Lisa play the opening for a brand spankin' new club in northern Italy.


December 2014

Hippie Tendencies are hunkered down writing this winter as well as planning their spring/summer tour. They were inspired to write a song "Snow Day" celebrating their 10 year anniversary which takes place this month. For your free copy go to https://hippietendencies.bandcamp.com/track/snow-day and check out the video on this site.

In other news founding members Lisa and Marco are also giggin' with the Downbeat Trio featuring Miles Simmons.  Follow the link to check out their schedule!! Jazzy, heart warming, humorous holiday music with a beat! Get there.

(Italiano Sotto)




September 19 2014 H.T. Duo Aspettando il Festival Franciacorta

Friday September 19 2014 9:00 p.m. Torbiato Frazione Di Adro  H.T. Duo Marco e Lisa suona per questa manifestazione eno-gastronomica (Yum!) con banchetti di assaggio di eccellenze gastronomiche e banchetti di degustazioni di bollicine Franciacorta. Sarebbe all'aperto, ma, in caso di pioggia è previsto lo spostamento della postazione di 10 metri al coperto.


August 13 2014 Desenzano Notte Bianca

Wednesday August 5 2014 8:00 p.m. Centro Storico Desenzano  Dopo il successo della anno scorso, Desenzano ospita di nuovo questa bella festa. H.T. 5tet.


August 10 2014 -  Castello Padenghe sul Garda

Sunday August 10 9:00 p.m. Castello Padenghe H.T. Trio plus special guest TBA  suona per  la notte di san Lorenzo, più di mille can­dele illu­mi­ne­ranno com­ple­ta­mente il castello di Paden­ghe. La luce sof­fusa delle fiamme esal­terà i con­torni delle mura e degli archi, incor­ni­cerà porte e fine­stre degli alloggi e seguirà i per­corsi di sca­li­nate e vicoli, creando un’atmosfera magica, roman­tica e sur­reale.


August 6 2014 Desenzano Notte Bianca

Wednesday August 5 2014 8:00 p.m. Centro Storico Desenzano  Dopo il successo della anno scorso, Desenzano ospita di nuovo questa bella festa. H.T. 5tet. +special guest Miles Simmons


August 4 2014 BioFesta

Monday August 4 2014 9:00 p.m. Castello Polpenazze   Hippie Tendencies full band with special guest Miles Simmons. Il festa biologica torna in scena a Polpenazze del Garda (Bs) la Biofesta, manifestazione ormai classica dell’estate gardesana nella splendida cornice del castello di Polpenazze con i prodotti ed i sapori dell’agricoltura biologica gardesana e bresciana.


July 31 2014 Castello di Soiano del Lago

Thursday July 31 9:00 p.m. @ Soiano's Castle   H.T. presents Identity  in one of the most beautiful locations on Lake Garda, the castle located in Soiano del Lago. Show time 9:00 p.m. Special Guests, Simone Boffa and Miles Simmons Look for Lisa by Caterin Sasso creato in collaborazione con Contains Only https://www.facebook.com/ContainsOnly?fref=ts


July 30 H.T. Duo + Special Guest Miles Simmons

Wednesday July 30 9:00 p.m. @ Cantina Bentivoglia Via Mascarella  4/B  Bologna      051 265416 H.T. Duo Lisa and Marco with special guest Miles Simmons


 July 13 2014  Tregnago, Verona

Sunday July 13 9:00 p.m. @ Pura Vida 

  • Piazza Massalongo 10  392 630 8291

H.T. full band, with special guests, present Identity in Verona. Look for Lisa by Caterin Sasso creato in collaborazione con Contains Only https://www.facebook.com/ContainsOnly?fref=ts


July 10 2014 Intervista Radio Vaticana (Jazzascoltando)

Thursday July 10 2014 9:30 p.m. Interview by Giovanni Masobello with Lisa about H.T.'s new CD Identity on his show Jazzascoltando. Intervista per Radio Vaticana a cura di Giovanni Masobello, autore e conduttore. http://www.radiovaticana.va/mus/chisiamo.asp


July 4 2014 Cheibei Party

Friday July 4 2014 9:00 p.m. Bedizzole (BS) Big ol party in a stupendous location with H.T. full band and special guest Titti Castrini. For more info go to http://www.cheibei.it/it/party/programma Look for Lisa by Caterin Sasso creato in collaborazione con Contains Only https://www.facebook.com/ContainsOnly?fref=ts


June 26 2014  H.T. In Piazza- Padenghe sul Gard

Thursday June 26 2014 9:00 p.m. Centro Storico Padenghe  Il tempo non c'è stato amico e la serata si è fatta autunnale!! CONCERTO RIMANDATO al prossimo Lunedì!


June 21 2014  La Festa Europea Della Musica + Showcase La Feltrinelli

Saturday June 21 14:40/16:00  Centro Storico Brescia H.T. are proud to participate in La Festa della Musica in Brescia. We will be playing the main stage (with Special Guests Simone Boffa, electric guitar, and Valerio Abeni, drums) in Piazza Duomo at 14:40 & at 16:00 you can find us playing a showcase at the bookstore La Feltrinelli  - Brescia, corso Zanardelli, 3



 June 4 2014 Desenzano Notte Bianca

Wednesday June 4 2014 8:00 p.m. Centro Storico Desenzano  Dopo il successo della anno scorso, Desenzano ospita di nuovo questa bella festa. H.T. 5tet.


May 26 2014 -  Antica Corte - Moniga

Monday May 26 9:00 p.m. Antica Corte Moniga

Via Cialdini, 10 +39 365.502399

H.T. 5tet @ Antica Corte Moniga

H.T. 5tet suona per una rassegna musicale che accompagna oltre che la cena un evento-laboratorio artistico, dove oltre la musica si "esibiranno" pittori e scultori nella realizzazione di un opera.


March 22nd 2014 – La cantina dei piaceri e sapori – Verona

Saturday, March 22nd at 9:00pm  Friday Via Fabio Filzi, 10 Cellore d’Illasi, VR 37031 M. 3939113051 – 0 H.T. 4tet @ this delicious venue. Incantevole!  


For the looong partial list of previous good gigs gone by- follow this link http://www.reverbnation.com/artist/artist_shows/1048849?class=prev&page=2&past=true


+39 0365 241800

Example Gig 2

Latenight Jazz

May 1, 2017 - 18:00

Inform Me When Tickets are Available

Example Gig 3

My Place

May 15, 2017 - 18:00